Privacy Policy


Your privacy is very important to us, and this privacy policy explains how The Nurture Programme  (TNP), will collect, use, communicate and disclose, and make use of your personal data. This privacy policy applies to TNP’s website and all products and services offered by TNP, including all self-employed advisors, consultants, and Therapists working with TNP who are involved with the sharing and recording of information. The purpose of this policy is to help ensure that the sharing of relevant information is done safely, ethically and lawfully in order to help protect TNP’s clients and the families they support, administrative staff and self-employed Consultants and Therapists working with TNP. Sharing information presents risks and this policy sets out a code of practice which should be used to minimise this risk. It will enable self-employed advisors, consultants, Therapists and staff members to make good quality decisions about sharing personal information so that the benefits of information sharing are delivered, while maintaining trust and respecting personal privacy.

 In this policy, the legislation of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) Act 2018 is disseminated by means of a series of practical and logical steps to help secure good practice. Good practice includes, but is not limited to, compliance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018. TNP recognises a statutory duty to promote good practice in the handling of personal information.

1. TNP will routinely share information in the following ways:

i) The sharing of information between two or more parties in the form of disclosing limited information once off or sharing substantial information detailing the particulars of potential clients which are sent to TNP by the clients. TNP will, in turn, share information about students and clients with consultants, Therapists, or potential Consultants & Therapists. The sharing of this information may extend to schools, social service departments, and/or specialist education departments in councils which look after the interests of vulnerable children such as those in care.

 ii) The sharing of information Consultants & therapists, clients and their families between the Directors and administrative staff of TNP.

 2. The decision to share personal information will be based on strict necessity for TNP. Any information that is shared will be relevant and warranted.

i) It is necessary for TNP to share information in order to:

· Match /Consultants/therapists with potential clients and their families

· Provide Consultants/Therapists with information on potential clients and students, and pass on relevant personal details on acceptance of support/tuition/therapy assignments.

· Investigate any concerns regarding consultants/tutors/LSAs/therapists, clients and students

  •  Share information regarding a client’s progress with clients and relevant agencies.

 · Share information with relevant parties in accordance with TNP Child Protection Policy, for example: social services / police.

 ii) The impact of holding and sharing sensitive information will be assessed in each case. This is necessary in order to consider the effect that the possession or disclosure of such information may have on the data subject. Some examples of sensitive information might be:

 · A client may refer a consultant/therapist regarding gaps in their knowledge or cite weaknesses in their performance.

· A council referring a vulnerable child for extra tuition/support/therapy may disclose information regarding their special educational needs or behaviour in order to source an appropriate tconsultant/therapist.

 iii) There are a variety of circumstances in which personal information may be disclosed to TNP about clients. Consultants/Therapists and staff will always ensure that information is only shared when and with whom it is strictly necessary; taking care not to divulge confidential information to any unauthorised third party. To this end, wherever possible, only the students’ initials or first name should be used in any correspondence.

 iv) TNP, staff/consultants/therapists may need to share the following types of information so that they have good quality information about their students before they start their assignment:

 · Personal details of the clients, parents, carers or guardians such as their name, telephone number, address, email address.

· Personal details of the students such as their name, telephone number, address, and information that is relevant to their tuition/support/therapy. In the case of adult students, this information could include information about their job and possibly their educational background. In the case of young people, information could include test results, school reports, areas of concern such as behaviour, EHCPs or safety issues (medical conditions, allergies and behavioural needs, for example). For all young people, and especially vulnerable young people, our policy is not to communicate via mobile phones or email, but rather via parents or carers, for example, when necessary to arrange or change a tuition/support/therapy session. It may be appropriate to correspond via email directly with a student in some instances (for example when this relates to homework or work related tasks); on these occasions the client / parent / carer must be copied into the emails.

· Personal details about consultants/therapists relevant to their work as a consultants/therapists such as their qualifications and/or experience. Sharing this information will enable consultants/therapists to make informed decisions about which assignments they accept and help them to provide the best possible service and match. This is also important to ensure the safety and welfare of the young person and consultants/therapists. Every effort will be taken to ensure that only relevant information and the minimum necessary to achieve the objective will be shared.

v) In some instances it may be that legal requirements dictate that KITE TLS shares information, or prevents KITE TLS from doing so. There might be occasions where it will be necessary to share information in the case of medical emergencies, criminal activities, suspected criminal activities or of suspected danger to a client or student. In cases of a serious emergency or criminal act, reporting the incident to the relevant authorities is clearly a legal and moral duty, and in these circumstances it is recognised that considerations of data protection may be secondary to the need to deal with the emergency. For TNP a particular instance of the need to share information beyond what would normally be the case is any incident or concern about safeguarding. vi) The sharing of confidential or sensitive information must be carried out in a way that minimises inappropriate or unnecessary distribution in order to protect individuals from damage, distress or embarrassment. It is important to obtain explicit consent from TNP and clients before disseminating sensitive information detailed in EHCPs for example.

vii) The primary responsibility for ensuring that information is handled appropriately lies with the organisation that originally collects that information. It is therefore important that where a client is referred[KS1]  to TNP by an organisation or individual, that party must only divulge necessary information and ensure that they have consent to share it. Should TNP and/or their consultants/therapists become aware that information has mistakenly been released by an organisation or individual, necessary corrective action will be taken immediately. Furthermore, should TNP wish to publish case studies or client results, the explicit, written consent of the client must be obtained in advance of any publication. The identity of the client  should be anonymised as a general rule and in accordance with their wishes.

3. TNP will process personal information fairly and lawfully. In the interests of fairness and transparency, the following information will be shared:

 · Details about the identity of the person or organisation receiving the information;

 · The purpose the information will be processed for;

 4. All personal information on clients and associates gained during the course of their duties will remain confidential.

i) In order to ensure confidentiality, all information regarding service users must not be disclosed either orally or in writing to unauthorised persons. All written records, computer records and correspondence pertaining to any aspect of TNP’s activities must be kept securely at all times. All associates of TNP have an obligation to ensure that electronic devices are protected from inappropriate access by ensuring that devices, passwords and encryption codes are kept securely. During telephonic conversations, the authenticity of the caller must be checked prior to the disclosure of any sensitive information. Confidential discussions regarding clients should not take place within earshot of any passers-by in public areas like cloak rooms, reception areas or corridors. All work related matters pertaining to organisations and associates must also be preserved with the same confidentiality.

 ii) All company information must be kept confidential and can only be shared with third parties after gaining prior written consent from TNP.

5. To maintain the integrity of information consultants/therapists and associates must check that it is adequate, relevant, not excessive, accurate and up to date.

 · Sharing information should be done only insofar as is necessary to achieve a given objective.

 · Extracted written information from official documents may be shared where relevant, without sharing the document in its entirety.

· Where new information comes to light, TNP should be updated accordingly to maintain up to date records.

6. Personal information should only be retained for as long as necessary. When clients support is terminated, their personal information should be deleted from electronic sources and hard copies should be shredded by TNP and associated consultants/therapists within a year of cessation.

 7. Personal information will be protected by appropriate technical and organisational measures as follows:

· TNP consultants/therapists support staff and associates undertake to keep all personal and sensitive information as securely as possible. Hard copy / printed information will be locked away and electronic information will be password protected.

· The use of memory sticks to back up and transfer data is prohibited.

· TNP, consultants/therapists, support staff and associates must maintain and regularly run anti-virus software on their computers to ensure high levels of security.

· Should TNP receive any sensitive information in error, the sender will be informed and it will be returned / deleted with immediate effect.

 8. Individuals will have rightful access to information about them which is held by TNP Information will be held uniformly in an orderly way so as it can be easily retrieved should the data subject wish to review it. The source of and purpose for the information held will also be recorded. In certain circumstances where information may be legitimately withheld for legal purposes pertaining to whistleblowing or allegations of criminal misconduct, the responsible authorities will control the amount of information that is permitted to be shared with the data subject.

9. TNP will evaluate and review this policy annually (at minimum) to ensure its efficacy.

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Guide Five: RADICAL CONNECTION - Neuroparenting with Kristy Forbes & Jodie Isitt

Kristy and Jodie have worked together for a number of years and are completely aligned in their parenting, and in fact all round beliefs. Creating neuro-inclusive spaces, using neuro-affirmative approaches as standard. 

Week 3: Reasonable Adjustments

The pathway of SEN / EHCP’s / Reasonable adjustments and so forth can be a scary and bewildering place. But knowledge is POWER and this session aims to provide members with this power. 

Attendees will be given clear information and knowledge so they will be able to navigate these pathways armed with confidence. This will include basic law and children’s rights including ideas about what reasonable adjustments vs unreasonable adjustments are. We give examples of our own reasonable adjustments, how to ensure these adjustments are put in place and ideas on how to approach the professionals in your children’s lives to ensure that their needs are met. 

Members will also be equipped with ideas for “reasonable adjustments” versus “unreasonable adjustments”. A guest expert speaker – Karen Stepanova – SEN Consultant is arranged for this week who will give her very own presentations on the basics of SEN Law.

Week 4: Mental Health

In this session we look at how Imposter Syndrome can cause people to doubt their abilities.

The toll of advocating for children with additional needs can be detrimental to a parent or carer’s health. Our aim is to build up confidence and restore the mental health of parents or carers so that they have the inner strength to fight as hard as they can for their children.

This week focuses on changing negative thoughts to positive ones and helps restore the mental health of attendees. Jodie and Laura provide ‘Top Tips’ to staying mentally well during tricky times.  

Week 5: No-one can help me

What can I do? By week 5 we hope that all attendees will feel more confident, less stressed and have the skills and facts that they need to successfully advocate for their children. But we know that sometimes this is not enough.

The system can be fraught with challenges, and no matter how skilled you are, it can feel like your journey keeps being taken off track. In this session, an expert speaker will join to give fantastic advice on where to turn next when you feel you have exhausted all avenues. Practical advice regarding matters such as benefits, grants and additional sources of advice is also given, leaving the attendees feeling well equipped in their journey ahead.  

Guide Three: I'm Giving Up

Making sure that consistency is key, as our young people will not learn to trust us if we do not show them we are trustworthy. So making sure that when we start this process, we are committed to making it as successful as we possibly can.

Gaining trust, and keeping it is extremely important, however we all make mistakes, we will get triggered at some point, it is how we manage those mistakes that count. We are so used to being judged for our parenting choices, that throughout this session you be inspired to take back control of who you are, and give you the confidence to shut out the negative and leave more room for the positive.

Guide Two - Trust Your Gut

Guide Two: Trusting your instincts is a vital part of the process for RADICAL (UN)Parenting and we will discuss the many experiences of the facilitator and the learners where this has either proven to be true when listened to or when you wish you would have listened and acted on that gut feeling.

Briefly discussing methods of communication for the neurodivergent person and how important it is to study our young people intently so that we can begin to talk their language.  This session guides you back to your most confident, enabling those advocacy skills to flourish once more and encouraging you to always trust your gut.

Radical Guide Four: F*ck That Sh*t

Tuning out all the negative interference from around you will be crucial to enhancing your progression through this change, and this is something that will be difficult for a lot of families particularly when people are not yet ready to accept the RADICAL approach. Ditching the negative impacts on your parenting so that you can be free to be you. No shame. No judgment, just unapologetically you!

Join us whilst together we chant:   

F*ck That Sh*t

Week 1: Introduction to ASC

We will explore the many aspects of being autistic or having an autistic family member. Jodie will share her road to diagnosis for her three children and finally herself and her own diagnosis in 2020 at 35 years of age.  This first week will lay the foundations for the rest of the Five week programme. 

Week 3: Worrier to Warrior

In this final session, we will help you and those you support to find ways to reframe negative thoughts so that it is possible to “think better and feel better.”  We will also cover practical strategies to help you manage your anxious self, keep calm and turn you from a worrier, to a warrior, ready to battle everything that life throws at you.

Week 2: Differences I May Experience

Focussing on the saying, “When you have met one autistic person you have met one autistic person” we will take a deeper dive into the way that autism effects everyone individually.  During this session we will look at sensory needs in more detail and provide some ideas to help keep autistic children more regulated.

Week 3: Advocating For My Autistic Child

Laura and Jodie feel that “small changes make a big difference” for autistic individuals – and during this session we will discuss helpful tips for parents and reasonable adjustments for schools and colleges. 

In this session you will also be able to ask us questions relevant to this topic and we will signpost you to other helpful organisations and sources of information related to Autism. 

Week 4: Sibling Support

There is no doubt that an autism diagnosis can affect the whole family.  In this fourth session we will explore the impact autism can have on families and siblings.

We will discuss lots of helpful approaches to help you support your whole family and explore the positive aspects of an autism diagnosis.  We will also discuss how to support siblings of autistic individuals using empathy and understanding whilst also covering the importance of looking after your own mental health as parents.

Week 5: The Autistic Experience

Chloe, Jodie and Laura will discuss the medical model of autism and some of the theories of autism which are now proven to be out-dated and detrimental to autistic individuals.

Chloe will talk using her personal insight as an autistic adult, will discuss effective ways to support the mental well-being of autistic individuals and answer questions from attendees.

Week 2: Nurturing Anxious Minds

Whilst it is true that many children suffer from anxiety at any one time, those who are neurodivergent (ie are autistic, with or without PDA; have ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia etc) are more likely to have anxiety to varying degrees as part of their experience.  In this session, the anxiety experienced by any child is approached with understanding and acceptance and is jam-packed with practical ways to support children in a positive and nurturing way.

Week 1: Understanding Your Anxious Self

In this first session, Laura and Jodie gently introduce what anxiety can look and feel like with a real and tangible understanding that all participants come from a variety of experiences. Together, we will look at the impact anxiety can have on how we behave and interact with different people as well as the internal struggles it can bring.  By offering an invitation to reflect on and recognise our own anxiety and the negative internal voices that drive it, they begin to consider ways to quieten those voices and fears both for ourselves and those we wish to support. 

Week 2: Nurturing Advocacy Confidence

The aim of this session is to break down attendees’ advocacy skills, then rebuild them so that facts and controlled emotions are used successfully.

Laura and Jodie share their experiences of advocating for their children – both good and bad and demonstrate how to use assertiveness skills effectively and remove emotive language.

They also share their “Top Tips” before, during and after transitions to ensure that all objectives are achieved.