Welcome to this free Q&A event which will be facilitated by anonymous pre submitted questions due to the sensitive nature of this topic.
Jodie Isitt will host, collate and ask the questions via a live event. This webinar and it’s questions will then be use to design & build Social Care masterclasses.
Mary Cartlidge and Tanya Adkin work as a team and have over 50 years professional experience between them. Covering everything from child protection, Fabricated and Induced illness, mental capacity, Autism and more.

Tanya is an Autism specialist and asst Social Worker who started her career in a local authority disabled children’s team 18 years ago. She holds post grad qualifications in autism and is currently undertaking a Masters in autism. Tanya has a passion for theory & policy to practice. She works 121 with autistic people and their families when they may be considered ‘complex’ and, has many years advocacy experience.

Mary is an independent social worker, highly experienced in Child Protection and court work. She is a passionate advocate for ND experience and known for her no-nonsense approach. Mary is committed to trauma informed, therapeutic approaches. She also has specific experience in adoption and fostering, addiction, working with offenders and much more.
All three are Neurodivergent with neurodivergent families, their lived experience means they are able to offer holistic insight into the issues faced by ND families as they are parents to ND young people, ND professionals and ND people. They never shy away from complicated and often succeed where many have failed before them.
Join our Q&A Session on 28th February at 7.30pm UK time:
– Simply click the button below to secure your place
– Keep an eye on your emails, you will receive a Zoom link to join and a form to pre-submit your questions
– All questions must be pre-submitted and will remain anonymous due to the sensitive nature of the topic